Konferences „Agile Day Riga 2014” 9.04.2014. apmeklējums
Konferenci vēlams apmeklēt studiju programmas „Programmēšana” visu kursu studentiem. Aicināti arī „Datortīklu administrēšana” visu kursu studenti.
Konferencei jāreģistrējas http://www.meetup.com/Agile-Latvia/events/165033412/, papildus nosūtot e-pastu programmas direktorei.
Par konferenci:
Goal of this conference is to provide a clear explanation to participants why Agile and Lean software development approaches become so important nowadays, show how these approaches help to solve problems and facilitate discussions and experience exchange between Agile practitioners and newcomers.
The conference will cover questions how to make a transition from traditional approach to Agile and contain real life examples and case studies, presentations and workshops for beginners and advanced Agile practitioners. Dozen of highly skilled and passioned professionals from across Baltics will tell their stories, will share their experience and will give their advices.