28. aprīlī plkst.12.30-13.50
"Computer networks and information security"
Eugenijus Valavičius, Master of Sciences, lecturer at the IT department, Vilnius Business College (Lithuania)
Content of the lecture:
Computer networks were created to share devices and information for neighbours. These main principles didn’t change when networks became global and started to spread through the whole world. Suddenly the main principle became one of the biggest obstacles dor networks.
During the lecture we will discuss Panama Papers, Wikileaks, Yahoo data breach, Facebook data trade, GDPR and other popular buzzwords together with ways how to stay more private in a shared virtual world.
About lecturer:
Eugenijus Valavičius
1973 – 1978 –Vilnius university, mathematics
1978-1993 – Vilnius University, Vilnius pedagogical university, programmer
1993 to present: Lithuanian University of Educological Sciences, Vilnius Business College, Vilnius Cooperative College – lecturer of several IT-related subjects.
1999-2000 – Mastricht university (Holland), internship.